Monday, 8 December 2008

What is Hypnosis?

What is "Hypnosis"?
Hypnosis Hypnosis Hypnosis Hypnosis Hypnosis Hypnosis Hypnosis Hypnosis Hypnosis Hypnosis Hypnosis

Hypnosis can be defined in many ways, but what it is for the normal average human being is the natural state of conciousness. The two operative words in that sentence being natural and conciousness. We are always awake, and we are always aware when we're in hypnosis,while it is considered sometimes an altered state of conciousness because we get very, very relaxed. For the average person, it is very relaxing and the mind focuses, almost hyper-focuses and in that state of concious awareness, the mind becomes very adaptable and amenable to taking on suggestions and of course suggestions in hypnotherapy, are suggestions for change. So, to state it succinctly, a natural state of conciousness that every normal human being experiences several times everyday such as watching a movie, reading a good book, driving down the freeway and sort of zoning out, which we all tend to do, are just daydreaming, are all examples of a natural hypnotic state. What we do in the office or in the hypnotherapy clinic is use that state of conciousness, intensify it, which helps people create change and transformations in their life.

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Mind Works

Watch your Thought.... Thoughts becomes Words
Watch your Words....... Words Becomes Action
Watch your Actions....... Actions Becomes Habit
Watch your Habits........ Habits Becomes Your DESTINY!!!
Every thing starts in our mind... Our Thoughts..Our DESTINY.
Remember This... Think Positive... Think of Good Things, Good things will happen to you.